Campus Walk #2
So here is where we live, the goofy Gallery Apartments (called the Gallery Apartments since when they were first built way back when, the owners hung art in the halls, which explains all the outlets, now of course all the art is located in J-112, yes, where Art the guy lives, ha ha).
Here is a picture of what I consider one of the most beautiful spots on campus.
I walk by here every single day and this view changes everyday. It is amazing how a bunch of rain creates a ton of foam or how the cold has created this frozen sculpture. It is one of the things I look forward to seeing change as the year goes by.
This is the nicer bridge then the first one (well, it is newer so I take back the nicer part) and this is the one I walk across everyday. The part of the bridge that bothers me is that as you walk over it, you cannot help but notice all the spray-painted numbers on the lightposts. It is rather annoying and kills the aesthetic that the bridge was built to create. It's the little things people.
This is 'Eternal Flame Sphere' (the official title which is a tad unwieldy but since that is the official title of it, it makes me laugh and when we discussed the importance of the eternal flame sphere in class one day, a day like today when the flame was out, we discussed that is the flame is out, does that mean that the lamp of learning is out and all of campus should go home and hide under the covers until it is re-lit).
Love it. Also, I wonder if this thing is something that people respect and walk around and not under (there is a plaque under this thing that states that this is the official spot of 'Old Main' the first building on campus). So yes, I walk under it and on the plaque (which you would think I would not do and respect history, but it is my little 'spit in the eye' of history, but again, I love history, ohh' the conundrum).
This O'Kelley Hall, the building I teach in. The room I teach in was originally built as the room where medical students studied dead people. So every once and awhile I forgive the students if they seem dead as well.
Ba Dum Dum. I'm outta here.
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