Thursday, November 20, 2008


So I cross this bridge everyday I walk from the goof-ball apartments we call home to the office they are letting me use this semester (the misses says it is a very nice office, the best part is that I have windows that face south and I get sunshine when the sun is out and when the weather was not so cold, I could open my windows and let in the fresh air). While all the leaves are gone and some landscaping has torn up the lawn, it is a lovely place to walk through.

I have been trying to walk everywhere I go for the past week (with the exception of last night when the misses came and picked me up somewhere and then we took a short drive). It is about 15/20 minutes from the apartment to the office, 45 minutes to the public library, 40 minutes to downtown, 15 minutes to the football arena, 10 minutes to the hockey place, and most importantly, 20 minutes to restock on beer (a place called 'Happy Harry's', all walks are measured in one-ways, which is important when it comes to judging if I might have to pee, one of my problems with walking in an urban area is that I got in the habit when I was in the Clemson Experimental Forest all last year was stopping to pee whenever I wanted since I was usually the only person in the woods, although I did have a few times when someone would come on me when I was in mid-pee and they would just say hi and scoot on by with both of us trying to not make either eye or groin contact, ha ha). One of the goals of walking is trying to remember what it felt like to walk everywhere and to try and maintain my current weight (just about everyone we meet tells us that we are going to put on 5 to 10 pounds the first winter since it seems like they expect newbies to shut it down in early November and get active again when winter ends in mid-May, ha ha, sob weep). So far so good (I weighed my self this morning and I'm proud to say that for the moment I'm no longer obese but just overweight according to the USDA, thank you government).


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