Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Departmental Meeting & WS Game #5

Wow, department meeting.
When I was a Camp Director and we had our weekly camp meeting, I was loathe to have a meeting that lasted over 15-20 minutes. I'm continually amazed that University meetings seem to have a life of their own and could last until the end of time (although to be fair, I talked a bunch, still not sure why since I may or may not be a part of this department past Christmas, but I'll continue to care {or at least look like I care} until they are done with me {of course I talked with the little lady and we both agree that one of the solutions for this department could be the elimination of my position, ha ha I wish I could find a job where I could be a solution if I stayed, ha ha, well maybe I just enjoy the drifter status too much).
Today we had a meeting that lasted an hour and a half and we decided that the new flyer which describes the program is good (minus the typos and the spacing of one of the lists). I also contributed some advice on recruiting (this major is a big discovery major or we are the way some students can stay in school, which means that the quality of some of our students is, well not the equal of other horizontal departments, so our line is "Whoa, getting a 'D' in chemistry, why not try our major, it might be more your speed" or "Need to justify your seven years in college, why not try us!" I love that).
We have our meetings over in the coffee shop across the street from the University, I bring my own coffee (in trying to keep in the spirit of the new budget the wife and I set, although I went out to buy some beer last night and now I'm down to three bucks until Friday).

So I got home from the library last night to see some of the game.
Boswell, is he the nation's baseball conscious?

I was surprised they kept playing in what looked like awful weather (the best part was explaining to the little lady what the weather would have been like, "remember what it was like on Sunday morning, yeah like playing in that minus the snow", ha ha love winter, although my department likes to inquire how we are handling the cold weather and they laughed at and not with me when I told them of my long-underwear dilemma this morning and how once again we are in a part of the country and time of the year where you have to pay attention to what the weather will be like, sigh).

Love these pictures (thank you Philadelphia Inquirer). I also have been reading both of the local papers and am hoping the game goes on tonight. Sort of hoping they go to at least a game six, but not totally invested in the series as I have not been rushing home to see the games but rather just getting home and tuning in when I walk in the door and leaving it on as background noise.

Not Sure If I Agree
David Brooks
I Still Love the NBA


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