I love Slate.
I go to the website every other day if not everyday and love what I read (everyday I make myself some sort of personal newspaper, which is always heavy on sports news, the beauty of the Internet is the availability of reading local {faraway} newspapers, and now I scan about ten newspapers/magazines and put together the articles I want to read either before or after the evening meal {there is something of a linguistic difference between supper and dinner, so now I go with evening meal}, I used to make one specifically for the little lady, but she accused me of giving her propaganda to make her vote for one certain Presidential candidate {and I was} and now I make them for me and 'leave' it around the apartment and sometimes she has the time to pursue them, ha ha).
I also download almost all of their podcasts (love the political one which comes at the end of the week, I also like the cultural ones and the spoiler ones, the daily ones are okay and sometimes very good, sometimes).
Today they printed who they are voting for and more importantly why, so here you go.
Emily Bazelon, Senior Editor: Obama
"I am voting for Barack Obama because I agree with his tax policy, and I like his health and energy plans fine. I think he'll help restore our bruised image abroad. And I know he is about 1,000 times more likely than John McCain to choose Supreme Court justices who will resist rather than further the push to the right by Bush's picks, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito. So for me, it's an easy call. But even if I were less sure of Obama on those fronts, I think I would vote out the Republicans as a matter of stewardship. They led us to a war of hugely questionable value, gave us an overweening theory of presidential power, and have now left us with a scary financial crisis. John McCain isn't George Bush, but his plans and promises are too much like the standard Republican fare that has gotten us into trouble. And won't get us out of it. Enough. Please, please, it's time for new faces."
I agree with the last point most, the Republican party has spent the last eight years fighting way too many wars (including the war to rig elections forever in their favor and the reason no one should feel safe about an Obama win, voter problems for many kinds of people).
David Plotz, Editor of Slate: Obama
Ever since McCain inexplicably went ballistic on me in my first (and last) interview with him a decade ago, I've suspected he was too volatile to be president. Nothing that has happened during this campaign has changed my mind. McCain's veering, swerving campaign, his weak team of advisers, his bizarre behavior during the economic bailout, and his appalling selection of Sarah Palin confirm that he lacks the temperament to be president. By contrast, Obama has shown during this endless campaign that he has a first-class temperament. He also has a stellar collection of advisers, a natural curiosity, and an absolutely ruthless political sense. Those will take him far. President Obama will surely disappoint America—given the expectations, how could he not?—but I'm confident he'll lead the country more steadily and more effectively than President McCain would.
When you here David talk about the election you can tell he doesn't drink the Kool-Aid, he may be dishing it out to strangers (who are only friends we have not meet). I did not know the first part which may explain his attitude.